Please include an email address, telephone number, OR website so that we can easily contact the provider to verify your reference.
You’ve been a good boy… so far.
Thank you for completing your application to serve us. If you can see this message, your application has been successfully submitted. There is no need to email us to confirm our receipt.
You may expect a response within 3 days. The Goddess(es) you have requested will review your application and decide your fate.
Don’t forget, my impatient little boys:
“Submission is the art of waiting.”
Consider this practice.
The Goddess Girls
Feeling needy for attention? Desperate for a faster response? Only in town for a limited time?
To RUSH your application review, send a $25 token of your appreciation to our headmistress, Mistress Mercy:
Cash App: $TheGoddessGirls
Amazon Gift Card:
IMPORTANT: Always leave your payment notes blank when possible, or simply write “gift.” Avoid inappropriate sexual language in your payment notes, such as the mention of adult or fetish services, which could cause the transaction to be frozen permanently.